Try out our confidential Early Insights and Strategy Session
No one would expect you to commit your Direct Reports to the transformative excellence of Certified High Performance Coaching without first trying it out for yourself
Here's what to expect
- Customized Insights and Strategy Options (we will first walk you through a brief questionnaire to ensure we understand your potential challenges and desired priorities)
- Confidential challenging questions to ponder
- Up to:
- Three focused tips to enhance YOUR CLARITY
- Two powerful techniques to immediately apply the level of ENERGY needed for any situation
- Two simple PRODUCTIVITY actions to accomplish more every hour of your work day
- One mindset shift to unlock hidden COURAGE
- Two beneficial behaviors to magnify your INFLUENCE, at work AND at home
- Strategic Options to consider going forward
- Efficient use of only 60-90 minutes
- Perspective on how Certified High Performance Coaching may benefit your team(s) (with a special offer to recoup this investment)
- Significant VALUE return on this crucial US$497 Professional Development investment
What is distinctive about High Performance Coaching?
Certified High Performance Coaching uses a proven, results-oriented, research-based curriculum. It is challenge based with a clear outcome of High Performance. Each session supplements focused coaching with training and education directed at achieving a specific goal.
Overall, it focuses on helping you become the best version of yourself, and teams find new levels of success.
Research tied to significant life outcomes

Why Consider High Performance Coaching?
Click the CHPC image above to link you to a brief video by Brendon Burchard, High Performance Institute founder and the world's most successful high performance coach.
Then be sure to return here and learn more about why and how it is safe and wise to try it out for yourself!
How is this DIFFERENT than other coaching I've tried?
So how is THIS coaching different than consulting?
Will I or my teams take any ACTION from this coaching?
Ready to TRY-IT-OUT?
Give yourself permission to sample 60-90 minutes learning first hand how YOUR highest PRIORITIES can be met and surpassed through Certified HIGH PERFORMANCE COACHING.
INVEST ONLY US$497 in Yourself NOW